Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I love the sound of leaves crunching under my feet in the fall. I'm not sure what delights me about it but it does. Today I crunch crunch crunched my way home and as I walked, I saw a whole mess of leaves, wind blown into a pile against the barrier of a fence. It occurred to me that they came from somewhere (yes, I know, a tree!) and I decided to look up.  There stood the stripped naked tree, branches bleak without their colourful leafy clothing, vulnerable to the wind, rain, weather.  In its vulnerable state, the tree is rooted, strong and tall and ready to face the winter, wind, rain and all.  In coaching, clients shed their outer layer, the protective defence mechanisms that have shielded them from perceived and real threat, making them willingly vulnerable and in their naked soul state, they discover their strength, rooted in Truth, Faith, and self Love. This one is for you Helena, my soul sister and faith twin, much Love. I too am blissed and blessed.

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