Monday, November 11, 2013

Self Judgement

How do you recharge your batteries?  I am a pretty upbeat and energetic kinda gal with lots of enthusiasm for life and sharing and caring but every once in a while bam, I hit a wall. I had a delicious hot drink with a friend recently and she described herself as lazy. This is so far from the what I know to be true about her that I had to ask what she meant.  She told me that she could just sit and not care if she saw anyone for days at a time AFTER going full tilt with lots of socializing that involves hostessing and caring for the needs of others. I asked her if she believed she is an introvert?  She answered yes, she thinks she is. I suggested that when she withdraws, it is her way of healing, recharging.  She seemed relieved to hear this.  After calling herself lazy for who knows how many years, this new perspective seemed so true as to be a pleasant surprise. When compared to others in her family, she had always considered herself to be falling short, with less to give because of her withdrawal after the full exposure to the crowds in her life (no joke, this woman teaches, is a major organizer for a large church and is married with two very busy daughters). Self judgement can be so harsh.  Ask a friend or family member how they see you and wait for the lovely gift of appreciation they have for you as a great human being. Take the compliments, believe them, and enjoy.

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