Monday, November 25, 2013

Doggie Knows Best

My dog and I have this cool relationship.  He looks at me with hope in his eyes when I walk toward the front closet where his walking gear is and sometimes, I have to apologize to him, tell him not now.  He gives me the downcast look, the why not, what could possibily be more important than a walk look.  He and I both know what we are missing.  Over the weekend my city got a spectacular amount of gorgeously glimmering brighter than white snow.  Walkways hadn't been plowed but that didn't stop me and my dog. Out we went, knee high in snow for me in spots where others hadn't yet trod. Caesar bunny like hopped two paws in and out at at time, happily running as fast as I could keep up.  The excileration was breath taking and the beauty of the white blanket balm for the soul.  I could have stayed out there all day...

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