Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Repair Bid

Being and doing is a balancing act. The body houses the soul and the body is never still and perhaps, the restlessness of the soul is the reason.  I heard a cool term the other day, repair bid. I found out from a friend that it is used in her business often to refer to a bid to do work that has to be adjusted or repaired. I heard the term in reference to relationship and found it fascinating because there are rips and tares in relationships and when breakdown occurs in the form of arguments or fighting, sometimes within the battle, one person will look away, stop speaking, or pause~this is an indication of neutrality, a bid to repair the breach in relationship.  The body, through the eyes, subtle head shifts or apparent silence gives signals of what is happening internally.  Matching the inside with the outside is the challenge, a risk in vulnerability.  Repair bid is perhaps the call of the soul, a request for mending what wants to be healed.

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