I love February. It is the month I start to pretend that winter is almost gone, and never really existed in the first place ❤
This has been the winter of dichotomy, as evidenced by the sides people have taken, in direct opposition from one another, based on their internal workings. But let us be very clear. Some people don't won't to be on a side, they want everyone to be one!
White fluffy clouds
For whatever reason, the words I'm a lover, not a hater, played in my mind as I considered the white fluffy clouds floating by my window, highlighted by a clear baby blue sky. God's creation is glorious, including the humans He formed firstly from dust, and next from bone. I decided to hear the lyrics to what I thought was a song, and discovered this little ditty. It was exactly what I needed to hear, and it perfectly described my twenty-five years of marriage! "I'm a Lover (Not a fighter)", a song written by Ronny Light.
God made Adam from the dust of the earth. He also made everything else this way, except for woman. Eve was created from her husband. God crafted Eve from Adam's rib. How marvellous!
Last night I prayed. I prayed for my former husband. During the night, I had an in-my-dreams reunion with him. Nothing had changed, the divide was still real, and I awoke feeling what I had so many times before, sadness. We had not had a meeting of the minds, we had never soulfully combined to become one, in spirit or in flesh, not the way God designed and intended for a married couple. We were always polarized, and it has remained so, all these years later.
I asked God, is this another layer of grieving? I realize as I type that yes, it is. February 14th approaches, and love is calling on so many planes. It is a day designated for lovers, and I see multitudes in the world, gathering, singing, praying, and displaying the unity that God designed us for. Men, women and children, loving one another and wanting all to join in the freedom festival 💖
Not a chance Satan
It is relatively warm where I live, and even still, I sometimes do not want to brave the cold, not alone that is. So many have done just that, they have gone out into the winter and withstood skin freezing temperatures. Their desire to display love for their fellow man has driven them out into the world to declare, I am a lover, not a fighter! Except they are doing battle, with the enemy of the human soul, the one that would have us divided and conquered. Grin ... not a chance Satan.
Fire melting hearts
While it is cold outside, it is fire that is burning and melting hearts. It is love that sparks flames and ignites the passions of those that desire what God does. I am a Canadian, and it is in my warm blood to thrill while I witness a country not divided, but a country that is united in ways that moves others to action!
🍁 Being Canadian 🍁
Canadians are a pleasant sort of people. We are known for our polite and gracious inclinations. We are also true north strong, brave and free. When a Canadian acts in ways unbecoming, they stand out as aliens, as not one of us. The attempted hostile takeover by global governments, and by our own home ground politically corrupt and criminally minded governors, sounds raucous warning alarms for those of us that know the difference, and see the dichotomy.
The godly and the wicked are obvious now, and cannot be ignored, not in good conscience that is. The hope continues to be unity, and with the melting of hearts, it is more than possible for people to cross over from being haters to lovers, unifying with God as our glue.
I like the American proclamation. One nation under God ...
When I look at the sky, He is undeniable and it is very clear, that no matter what side we align ourselves with, we are always under the Sovereign.
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork (Psalm 19:1)
My prayer is godly connectivity
My prayer is love as our focus and ultimate goal
My prayer is we resolve to be lovers, not fighters or haters
My prayer is we call out to God in our time of need, and from the clear blue sky, we get a sign, not only that He heard us, He delights in delivering us from the enemy 💘
P.S Grieving the loss of relationship is what we must do without neglect. When a whole person that we love has left our lives, it is grievous and painful. My grief is not the same as it once was, but I still acknowledge that it exists.
We are currently facing extreme loss on a daily basis. For our own emotional and mental well-being, and for the sake of our souls, we must process the pain.
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