Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Fight or Flight Deactivation

Did you know that each of us have approximately 250 people in our circle of influence?

Wow! That is a very big deal if you want to take what you say and do seriously, because seriously, you have impact!

Reciprocal nature
I know that I have influence. To pretend otherwise would be silly simply because I have so many people that I interact with on a daily basis : proof of influence! We 
exchange ideas, share feelings, and create action plans together. We commiserate, lift each other up, and we rage against the machine. We also pray, laugh, and most importantly, we talk reasonably to one another, encouraging one another to be godly and trust in Him. I just described friendly and loving exchanges, with positive impact type of influences of a reciprocal nature. 

I know that I have influence that irritates too. We all do for goodness sakes! Imagine that one relative ... the one that when they open their mouth to speak, you just plain old wish you were deaf and blind! Hahahhaha, ok that made me laugh! You know you are an irritant, and you know that the people in your life are too. Which brings me to my topic.

Concerted effort
I am going to use my influence to suggest that we all make a concerted effort to deactivate our fight or flight responses to the over stimulation of our sensibilities. One of the things I love most in the people closest to me is their love for the truth. With lies flung here there and everywhere by the monsters with the microphones, the truth lovers are going absolutely mental! And rightly so, because with the repeated lies injury has been outlandishly caused far and wide. Righteous indignation is a natural response, and that fight feeling is valid.

Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath; neither give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:26)

Be ye angry-anger makes sense in some circumstances
And sin not-do not give in to the urge to sin using anger as your fuel
Let not the sun go down upon your wrath-resolve your anger before the day is done
Neither give place to the devil-don't let the devil influence your choices

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly (Proverbs 14:29)

Believe me when I tell you, dear one, that I completely understand the work involved in overriding the fight response. It has been an unwelcome companion for most of my life. It is a spirit that attempts to dismantle my good sense, while masquerading as protector. The demonic suggestion is that I must fight to protect myself and others. The divine command is to trust in God as Judge, read scripture, and pray. 

Fists up in fight mode


Palms up in prayer position

Feigning innocence
When we look at the tactics of the enemy, we see a controlled demeanour, a calm that perhaps belies the natural nervousness that humans feel when they are felonious. There is containment of hatred. Their actions speak louder than their words. They are murderous while feigning innocence! Fakes and frauds are most excellent actors, wouldn't you agree? They trust in the plan that they have signed their names to for all eternity.

Now we must take a page from their playbook. We must trust in the plan too. We must believe what we profess, if we profess God as Sovereign. We must deactivate the fight or flight responses that have us frantic. 

Here is the action plan simplified, starting with some questions:
  • What are you feeling?
  • What is influencing those feelings?
  • How long have you felt this way?
  • What have you done to alleviate these feelings?
  • What do you want for yourself and the people you love?
  • What do you know you need to do that you are avoiding?
  • What is your action plan to shift out of where you no longer want to be?
Once you have done some soul searching (I suggest you do this on paper), you will feel the alleviation of the burden of heavy and helpless emotions. Next, you get to decide what you want and from there, make an action plan that aligns with God's will for you. 

What is God's will for you, you ask?

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7)

God wants you to be worry free
God wants you to pray, supplicate (ask earnestly & humbly for what you want)
God wants you to be thankful as you make your requests known to Him
God wants you to have out of this world peace that you cannot understand
God wants this peace to guard your heart and mind
God wants this for you in Christ Jesus

Here is the action plan, your instructions from heaven above:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8)

We must take our eyes off of the enemy so that he is not the main influencer in our lives. 

God is very clear where we are to direct our energy. He will take down the enemy when He sees fit. In the mean time, we pray.

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