Monday, February 14, 2022

Satan's Spade

A concerted effort is required by many to enact mass murder. 

The list of co-conspirators and grave contributors is vast. From doctors to public health nurses, to teachers and preachers, reporters and of course, the instigators, the initiators of this whole drama trauma. Those Satan soaked starters of strife, that perpetually lie without a hint of conscience. Not only have these life thieves dug graves for their victims, they have dug them for themselves, and for their own children.

Toxin generated disease
The felons have done some impressive digging with Satan's spade. It drips the blood of those they have viciously, heartlessly murdered. Families are being decimated and crippled as members succumb to toxin generated disease, and then drop dead, exiting this life for what awaits them in the next. 

Satan gets a shrill thrill each time someone gets sick, suffers, and dies without the Saviour. He knows what fresh hell they will experience in the next or nether world. What they experience there, will be no where near as comfortable and easy as this life, even if misery was a person's constant companion. 

Embarrassing to witness
This is why the push, the shove, the constant repeat of messages that have worked on those that do not trust in God, and do not want to believe in hell. If the masses can be manipulated, and they can, to do themselves in, the raise a little hell crowd celebrates. It is diabolical and devilish and quite frankly, embarrassing to witness. 

The wicked are entertained with each kill, and the would be victims defend the murderers as though they were a trusted friend or relative. It is hard for this writer to comprehend, and painful to watch from the sidelines. 

Prime Sinister
When a Prime Sinister (I misspelled Minister purposefully) turns on his country and declares civil war via veiled threats, we know we are dealing with the demonic. It is disheartening to see the ease with which so many acquiesce to the subtle, and now very obvious temptations, of the devil. 

I have selected two portions of scripture to help us understand the human condition.

Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matthew 26:41)

Love not this world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world (1 John 2:15-16)  

While we live in these earthly vessels, there is a battle between our physical desires being satisfied and our soulful purposes being accomplished. The battle between flesh and spirit wages in each human being, and the tug of war is real. We face temptation without strength to resist it when godless. It is only the strength of God that can muscle us to resistance! 

Sigh with relief
When we accustom ourselves to reading scripture and praying to God thusly, we can sigh with relief, trusting Him to provide what we simply cannot gasp hold of on our own:

But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me (Psalm 22:19) 

Wanting God's help is the beginning of a life free from the demands and commands of the wicked. They can do and say and suggest whatever their blackened hearts desire, but it does not bend or sway those that seek strength from God ALMIGHTY!

He is ALL MIGHTY ... grin 

God The Almighty

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