I can see how obsession can start, and how addictive it can be. Obsession is redundant and so is addiction. They are repeats of repeats that repeat until they circle back for some more of the same. How boring ... but not really, if you love your obsession.
Have you ever felt misunderstood, dear reader? I will answer this question for you: of course you have! This is a normal daily occurrence for most people. The trick is to learn how to communicate effectively, with the goal being a meeting of the minds. With the news being what it is, agreement is at the 50/50 mark, meaning you believe one thing, and I believe another. It would appear that we are getting used to this strange divide of half half.
Just to clarify, so that I am hopefully not misunderstood, I am a one trick pony, a dog with one bone, and I am very obsessed with what interests me. Anything that threatens my one attachment gets my ire up, and I can present like a riled up porcupine ready to spray my needles in all directions.
- What am I obsessed with, you ask? Souls, I am obsessed with the salvation of souls.
- When do I feel what I am attached to is threatened? When others aren't concerned with souls, and when they are cavalier about casualties of war.
Grey dim world
I know about war, and I am not cavalier about casualties. I have learned from personal experience what it is like to feel the slipping away of someone I love, to feel them going to dark places where I cannot reach them. I know the grey dim world of irretrievability and never again. I know.
I know each human being came into this world equipped to live life with a spirit that enlivens them, and it is the soul that goes missing when horrible things happen. It is the soul that soars when healing occurs, and when the human hears and sees the divine.
Murder is never acceptable
To take this life lightly is a choice, but to take someone else's existence lightly is cruel. God wants none to be lost, and murder is never acceptable, no matter the explanation from those that approve.
Souls want saving and I will defend the weak, the vulnerable, the misunderstood, the threatened, the injured, the unprotected with my very being, no matter the perception others have of a situation.
Even if a country "deserves to get attacked" ... children do not "deserve" to be orphaned or killed as collateral casualties. One does not "fix a problem" by causing catastrophic injury to the innocent. This is happening all over the world, and has for as long as wicked men thought it their right to take what isn't theirs from people that could not defend themselves.
I hope that I am clear, about my love for the vulnerable. I am going to make an assumption about you too, dear reader. You care for the vulnerable too ...
God is love
We are to love like He does
Hating sin is not a crime, in fact, it is Biblical
The sin of murder is hateful and never excusable
Thou shalt not murder (Exodus 20:13)
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