Tiny tyrants are attempting to retain their perceived control over a populace that has not only recognized treachery, but refused to be enslaved.
I cannot help appreciating Exodus. It is one of the most extraordinary books of the Bible for those that long to trust in the love and justice of God as Redeemer.
Misused authority
Tiny tyrants are little Pharaohs. While they have been placed in positions of power, a gift from above, they have misused their authority by oppressing the people to the point of injury and death. The populace has been subjected as chattel rather than appreciated as humans, and the tiny tyrants continue to believe that they have a say, that they will determine the destiny of others. Alas, as tiny tyrants are want to do, they deny the Almighty, and the autonomous spirit placed in each human. We see evidence of the activation of our desire to remain free, with millions of people conglomerating, united in the stance that we will not be kowtowed into a corner.
Calling of the shots
While wicked men continue to deny they are on the loosing end of their nefarious dealings, they betray themselves. Like Pharaoh, they believe they can call the shots, and negotiate concessions with the people they took hostage in the first place. It is the calling of the shots that put us all in this predicament. The conspiring to maim and kill via poison darts, lethal injections into the bodies of the uninformed, have awoken the righteously indignant who will not tolerate the abuse.
And it came to pass when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man, he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand (Exodus 2:11-12)
When Moses sees the burden of his brethren, and the abuse heaped by someone in authority, an Egyptian, he decides to kill. This is premeditated murder. The evidence of this is Mose's desire to take life without witnesses. I am ever so slightly confident that you and I, dear one, have been so inclined in our own lives? We can forgo those inclinations for now for higher ground.
Higher ground
Moses leaves his home, for fear of retribution. He is gone for forty years, and then recalled to active duty. God has determined that Moses will lead the captives out of slavery. Moses is an archetype, a precursory Christ figure selected to demonstrate God's love and justice via the exit from Egypt of the Hebrews, later referred to as the Israelites.
Tiny Tyrants
Pharaoh had numerous opportunities to let God's people go, but that hubris hardened heart of his just plain old would not accept, that he wasn't God and clearly, was not in charge. He sacrificed his first born son to death out of sheer stupidity and stubbornness. I see this with our modern day politicians and like minded cohorts, the tiny tyrants that believe they have a firm grip on the future, and that their plans are written in stone. They have sacrificed their own children, speaking with forked tongues slanderously to the point of utter shame.
They neglect to acknowledge that what was written in stone millennia ago as the law, was the Ten Commandments. While men expire, God's law of sowing and reaping are eternal, and clearly something each flawed man must learn for himself. To deny deity is a dangerous endeavour ... I have written this sentence many a time as a reminder to self and others.
The higher ground for Moses, was in his return. He did not have to kill anyone to lead the people out. In fact, Pharaohs repeated denial to set the people free, heaped horrendous consequences on his citizenry, their property, and their wellness via plagues.
- Water turns to blood
- Frogs
- Lice
- Flies
- Livestock pestilence
- Boils
- Hail
- Locusts
- Darkness
- Killing of the first born
All of this could have been avoided. Warnings were given and Pharaoh refused to deny himself for the sake of other. This is what we witness now, with the tiny tyrants gripping with fingers that seem immovably frozen in place. It is the loosing of their grip on reality that will be their demise.
The older, wiser Moses, at the age of eighty, didn't have to kill or hide his kill this time around. All he had to do was obey the LORD, and the LORD took care of the rest. Gloriously, Canadians are leaving Egypt peacefully and lovingly, because they don't have hate or murder in their hearts! They are impelled by Love 💝
He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he (Deuteronomy 32:4)
Modeling Christ
We now have many modelling faithfulness, modelling Christ for a watching world. I grin broadly as I type, thrilled to be Canadian. We are loved world wide, and our reputation as godly people is being restored, while the tiny tyrants have established publicly and proudly, to whom they belong. They are not us, and we are not them, and the evidence is obvious for all to see, praise GOD!
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