Friday, February 25, 2022

Silly Bunny

While the world is held hostage by a wicked clan of bandits that play cat and mouse with the susceptible, this silly bunny is attracted to a dangling carrot.
He just doesn’t see the gun to his head and how keeping his eyes on the carrot is dangerous⁉️

Bunnies are like that : innocent, sweet, bright eyed and bushy tailed. I have heard a baby bunny screaming when trapped in a window well. They seem to know when to yell "Help, help, bunny down, bunny down", but when it comes to a carrot dangled in front of their furry face, they get to hopping after the enticing nutritious deliciousness.

Soft and fluffy, bunnies are cuddly and sweet. I have heard their paws are lucky, but one must be cut off of the bunny, and carried around as a keychain for this charm to be affective. That is easily done, since there are lots of bunnies, carrots, and hunters too. 

The sad thing about bunnies is their innocence. If a bunny was a human, we might call it naïveté, but since bunnies aren't thinkers, we will call it natural trust. They have no idea anyone wants to kill, skin, and eat them, but they sure do know when to hop away. They naturally, innocently, sense danger, and they unknowingly trust their instincts. But a good looking carrot can confuse a bunny and shut down his top speed hop away inclinations.

I have heard of tricks being for kids, and not silly bunnies. But I just don't think this is true. Tricks are for silly bunnies! That's how they get caught, fattened up, and killed! Bunny meat is delicious to any hunter. Once a wolf gets the taste of bunny, they crave more. If only the bunny understood killer instincts ... that might make him scream loudly and more often, like when trapped in a window well.

Oh to save all the silly bunnies, now that would be a feat. The wolves would starve to death, and cuddly cuteness would coat and cover the world. 

If only the bunny knew that the carrot that dangles is just out of reach ...
If only the bunny knew that the carrot is plastic and only looks carroty ...
If only the bunny knew that the one with the string has no intention of giving the bunny a real carrot, ever ...

If only the bunny knew ...

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