Sunday, February 6, 2022


Shepherdess, by Linda Grace Byers

God has designed each of us with purpose. It is delightful when we discover what He has in store for us. When someone, say you, dear reader, learns what you were hand crafted to accomplish, you will not be able to help yourself from living the calling God has placed on your heart 💖

Now is the time
You get to choose
  • Where is God calling you?
  • What does He want for you?
  • When you answer His call, He will equip you, dear one!
  • How will you respond to Him?
I am a writer. It took me a long time to call myself this with confidence. I have something to say, and it just so happens words on a screen are my vehicle to the hearts and minds of readers. 
  • Perhaps you too, are a writer?
  • Perhaps you are too shy to declare your purpose?
  • Perhaps there are people wanting to hear what you have to say ... 
Now is the time 💖 
You get to choose 💞

I am a Shepherdess, and I have completed my second book. It will be available for purchase in the next short while. Compiling it was playful, painful, and a pleasure all at once. That is how our work is: not always smooth sailing, especially when we forget, that it is God that fills our sails to move us across the waters at His pace. 

I look forward to meeting you in the pages of Shepherdess

Yours in Christ,

Linda Grace Byers

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