Saturday, October 26, 2013

Younger Me

In an old journal entry from 2003, I wrote:  I want to speak the truth and also remain silent~speak to refresh, to edify, to encourage and to glorify God; I want silence to be my friend when speaking would only do harm.  In rewriting this, I see the black and white of my thinking back then, the either or of communication. Words held power to heal or to hurt and my belief was that those were the two options.  There was a lot of polarization, good bad, black white, either or going on. I was searching, trying to find answers on how to be a kind and loving person, all of the time. In the trying, there was judgement, particularly when I would say or do something "wrong".  I didn't know about coaching, that perspectives are available that can change a whole persons life.  I didn't know about intentionality, that you can choose to speak the truth in a fiercely courageous way to someone to edify them, without convicting self for being black hearted.  No one knows the power of the individual, I wrote this too in the entry...somehow, we do know the power of the individual.  Coaches see strength where clients feeeeel weak, there is a knowing that goes beyond words, the stuff of essence is only measureable by the heart.  Younger me was searching, older me is and yea shall find.

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