Friday, October 4, 2013

Power vs. Force

Naturally, we are truth detectors, and there is a book to prove it, called Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.  Based on kinesiology, the author establishes how we humans are able to test for truth, calibrate it, physically. If something is good, pure, wholesome, healthy for us to eat, think, believe, our bodies become strong in the testing of the item. If an item, thought, word, name, food, belief is evil, vile, harmful in some way, our muscles weaken. Energetically, we are BRILLIANT!  This news is incredibly freeing because it removes judgment when we react negatively to the many influences in our lives or more specifically, to some of the people we encounter or even, dare I say, live with?  People weaken us...this is a profound truth, undeniable. This said, the attractiveness of the opposite is lusciously seductive, people strengthen  By being good, pure of heart, kind, loving, gentle, generous, compassionate, understanding. Look around you, who are YOU?  Are you someone's kriptonite or one of their greatest sources of encouragement?  Do they see love in your eyes when you glance their way or distain?  It is always and forever a choice how we impact our fellow man. I feel the power, the strength in the choice, now as I share this truth. 

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