Friday, October 18, 2013


Self sacrifice without choice, or without the awareness that this is a way of life passed down generationally, can cause emotional shall we say, discomfort? We have all been taught how to be in the world, by someone. Unwittingly, we have all adopted perspectives and at some point or another, we come up against these perspectives and realize hey, is that how I really see this situation, this environment, this person?  There is a moment of reckoning, when perspective is questioned and choice becomes an option. In coaching, I have witnessed and experienced the moment when realization hits~the whatttttt, you mean there is another way to see this?  Sometimes this is painful, because with the dawning realization of new ways to see the world and a persons place in it, the client sees that the options were always there and that perhaps, the suffering endured was for not.  Coaching is enlivened possibilities with room to grow up and out from where you were first planted.

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