Wednesday, October 30, 2013

No.  This is one of the hardest words to speak and yet, our bodies tell us no all the time. Within, there is the warning, the quiet whisper of no and then, as if by magic, no becomes a yes and in the yes, there is dread, a sense of self betrayal.  Following closely on the heels of yes can be trepidation and ultimately, the costly price of regret.  In coaching, I often ask new clients what they say yes to when they really would rather say no.  This is an enquiry, a request to take notice of the yeses and no's and what the impact is on them when no becomes yes, unwittingly. Coaching is always and forever about self awareness, who I am, who you are, how we show up in the world and most importantly, it is about becoming clear about intentionality.  What do you want?  What are you willing to say no to to get it?  It is not rude to say no, it is simply one possible answer to a request and when it comes from the choice of honouring self, it becomes a precious gem of honesty on display for all to see but more importantly, it becomes a resounding chime of clarity for the person who says NO with conviction.

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