Monday, October 7, 2013

My King

I'm busting out, breaking free.  I am an introverted extravert, a hermit crab emerging.  Part of me wants to stay in the safe haven of home, where I can choose what I read, see, eat, hear (almost-I live with people). There are places in my home where I can sequester myself and silently read, journal, pray.  When the urge to be alone comes over me, it is powerfully compelling and in the quiet, I hear my Abba Father. The gift of hearing His voice, whispering Truth, telling me to trust in Him, that all belongs to Him, humbles me and the pain comes in the form of knowing that somehow I had walked away and proudly relied on myself before being recalled by Him. In the still of His presence,  I remember who I am, in His eyes, not in mine. He is far kinder to me than I am and as He loves me back to community, the shine returns as I glow from within, a fire rekindled by my King.

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