Thursday, October 24, 2013

Onward Ho

A metaphor came to me as I updated my homework for certification and I quite like it~people are no longer puzzles to be solved, they are presents to be opened!  Coaching offers the client the opportunity to open up, to themselves, in the presence of someone who is committed to their learning, growth and ultimately joy factor.  Powerful questions asked from a curiosity that is irresistible invite the client to verbalize their inner workings and in so doing, client and coach get an up close and personal view of what's going on in there!  Access can lead to understanding and what the client really wants in this one life they live.  Once the words are spoken, the invisible pull starts in the direction of actualization, a need to fulfill ones destiny can become a powerful force, and THIS is the point of coaching, more of the good stuff. The doing after the discovery of finding, moving forward, onward ho, is a beautiful thing.

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