Saturday, October 19, 2013


I have been thinking about shame as the lowest common denominator in the human experience. Since this blog is about the soul, I make the assumption that all who read it have experienced shame and in memory, relived shame repeatedly. Shame is like a sliver just beneath the skin, an undertone that is off keeping by its very nature, setting the teeth on edge and giving one the feeling of wanting to run, to hide, to make the feelings go away.  Shame demoralizes and devalues and is a soul sucker, stealing away greatness from would be should be confident and loving people.  Jesus was subjected, innocently, to vicious abuse to evoke shame, but He did not submit, nor did He engage. He knew Truth, and while He willingly submitted to His predicted fate, He never once submitted to the shame. Jesus knows the source of shame, He knows the Source, and in His Godly Humanity, He remains steadfast, dedicated to Glory and as my Perfect Example, Christ is teaching me that shame is not my teacher, it is my captor if I chose to submit. The Power within me is greater than the power without, this is Blessed Truth.

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