Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Word

When I compare myself to others, I become weak, insecure, faulty in my thinking.  When I see the gift that emulating offers, I become gleefully free, because I can follow in the footsteps of any and all of the greats in life, the ones past and present.   I have had some exceptional modelling from many real life influences in my life and as a super smart person, I chose to listen, learn and emulate!  My father used to say "a smart person learns from their own mistakes, a really intelligent person learns from the mistakes of others, and a stupid person never learns".  Sure, I make mistakes, and I am learning really quickly to jump back up, brush the dust off and carry on with my bad self onto bigger and better things. What I am really ready for is to listen to the invisibly offered wisdom, whispered in my ear.  The Way, The Truth and The Life has ALREADY been spoken, modelled, lived.  Cool, I don't have to reinvent the wheel, I can take the free trip offered me, offered to all.  The Word is my Teacher and I emulate Him.

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