Monday, October 14, 2013


I am at the half way mark with my certification as a CTI Co-Active Coach.  My view of the world has changed as I have progressed through the program. People are an interesting mix of crazy brilliance wrapped up in a jumble of messy circumstances. This is a fun perspective that takes me far away from problem solving, having to find solutions, being right in my assessments, for myself and for others. Things making sense, being put in order, is logical and lovely and easy to understand.  Messy is uncomfortable and awkward but is inevitable and so is the sorting.  I read a great quote from Beth Moore "thoughts are like laundry, some times you have to dump out the basket to sort through it". That's coaching!  The coach listens, asks questions, the client sorts, the coach picks out really cool insight for the client to look closely at, all the while believing, knowing that the client is brilliantly insightful in their own life and they just need someone along side to help them sort. There is obviously so much more to coaching, but for now, it's fun to see it simply and with a smile on my face, I know that at the half way mark, it's simplicity is beautiful.

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