Sunday, August 11, 2013

Listen...this is important

Humility is a beautiful thing but if it doesn't serve you, what's the point?  There is a fine line between humility and self deprecation. Many many years ago, I wrote a list of ten things I liked about myself, ten things I didn't like about myself and ten qualities I admired in others and wanted to have.  No self help book required, this was a self generated exercise and one I have used for many teens when I have had the good fortune of working with them. My discovery?  People engage in self loathing and have no clue of their worth or their possible impact on the world.  Speaking loud and proud is for the confident, the over achiever, the bold and outrageous,the ones that have something to say.  I want to hear from the modest, the kind hearted unheard, under voiced lovelies whose hearts beat in tune with  Gods, the ones who choose kindness first and always, even if it means that they are never heard because they refuse to offend, impose, insult...kindness first, what a rare ideal.  I speak loud and proud, God has give me voice and I will scream from the rooftops that ALL, EVERYONE, deserves to be heard, even when they don't speak, even when they whisper...listen closely, the quiet ones have the most to say.

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