Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I teach a dance class called Flirty Girl Fitness. When I took the full day workshop to get "Flirtified", I was at the back of the class with a friend, and this spot in the room was not conducive to my learning.  The instructor and many of the participants were dancers already, meaning they were either professionally trained or they already taught dance. As untrained dancers who loved to dance, my friend and I thought learning the moves would be easy and would come naturally.  Who knew, that the professionals, who making dancing look so very easy, learned choreography first?  Sure they do, I mean of course they do, but this workshop was my first peek behind the scenes of how amazing dance videos come to be, and how I too, can feel like I belong in a music video.  The instruction came from the ground up, feet first, with layering of the add ons of body and arms, right up to the head, and embellishments and flirty nuance being incorporated at a slowed down pace, and than taught at tempo.  Once a move is learned, the dancer can dance, without too much thought involved, moving freely from one dance move to the next with virtually no thought, only a cue from the instructor of what is coming up in the sequence.  The learner goes from conscious incompetence, to conscious competence, to the beloved unconscious competence.  In coaching, the desired "dance in this moment" principal is unconscious competence in its full glory, the free flowing move to move, step forward and back mirroring and seeing and hearing the other...it is the life blood of coaching and my greatest desire, to live and breathe namaste, to love so much that I feel and know the other and want them to dance in life, unencumbered, free and floating on the dance floor of their own life.

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