Thursday, August 8, 2013


Not enough, I'm not enough, I don't have enough, I'm not there yet.  This is what I say, what I hear, what I see, the not enoughs, then I SNAP OUT OF IT!  Oh not enoughs, you don't have a choke hold on me that I can't break out of.  As soon as I feel the lanky, long, slithery fingers slowly wrap themselves around my throat, I grab hold of THEM, rip them off and scream NOOOOOOOOO...thats on a really great day.  When I speak self doubt, self deprication, it is the cruel voice of the not enough and as I coach and am coached, I hear this lying voice come from truly magnificent human beings, people who are kind and loving, healers in their own right.  In coaching, the voice(s) are labelled saboteurs, in the bible, they are demons. No matter the label, the voice is a liar, a misrepresenter and twister of the truth.  In the here and now, I am perfectly imperfect, but I am enough, even as a student of life, I have gifts to offer, truths to tell, and a serving heart that makes me more than enough.  My God, my King, speaks truth to me and tells me "I can do all things, through Christ, who strengthens me", now THAT, is enough.

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