Monday, August 26, 2013

Blissfully Happy in the Learning

I have some work to do on my fit and finish (I wanna be a race car and drive in the fast lane, but I have had my cruise control on). This is how I described my coaching to a coaching friend tonight. I am, after all, a student of coaching, a student of life, and more expressly, a student of my own life.  Baby steps, big leaps, then a stumble and fall, sigh.  Thank you, most generous clients, for allowing me to cut my teeth, chewing on the teething ring of your life!  Hahahaha, I used to be kind of metaphor free but I have to say, I am enjoying the toying with metaphor. While coaching is a rich exchange, a sharing between two invested human beings, it is also very playful, forgiving, relentless in its pursuit of the very best for the client and the coach within the context of a professional relationship. I love when my clients feel empowered, decisive, compelled to move to action to make their life more resonant, more matching of their values.  Sometimes I fail them as coach, and the neat thing is, I can ask for permission to fail, a foreign concept in this image is everything world.  What I know is, motivation leads people to coaching, whether as client or coach, motivation to get unstuck, move forward, affect change or "be the change they want to see in the world" and this is more than enough to chew on, and enjoy.  Coaching makes me blissfully happy in the learning.

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