Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I started a great entry today, I mean it was inspired!  When I came back to finish the brilliant thoughts, the original was gone. This deflated me, because somewhere between earlier today and now, I got tired!  Hahaha, I can't recall what I wrote. I started thinking about this and it triggered a memory from one of the core curriculum CTI courses. At the beginning of each class, including following breaks and lunch, the front of the room leaders did a "check in" with the group.  This was an invitation to us to settle in, and get in touch with how we were feeling and what was going on in our heads and hearts and bodies.  Sounds strange and seems to be at first but each time we did this check in, I slowed down long enough to really do just that, check in with where I was and observe~this included the energy in the room, my mental, physical and emotional state, my own energy, whether calm or charged up, agitated or often times anticipatory.  I recall the instructions prior to the sharing. A leader said something along the lines of "don't plan what you are going to say, because by the time we hear you speak, you may be in a totally different place".  Huh...I pause here in appreciation for the ebb and flow, the "dancing in this moment" coaching principal that suggests that  life invites an agility, a recalibrating to the here and now, a response to what is current rather than a rigid practiced and sometimes stale and planned mini infomercial.  Before 12 o'clock today, I was me, without the learning of this afternoon. I'm still me, but just that much smarter, sharper, learned and happy to learn more, and  a little sleepy.  Grin.

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