Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hermit Crab

I see myself as a bit of a hermit crab.  This amuses me because I am by most standards, considered an extravert. I have a lot of energy and can work a crowd of strangers effortlessly, especially if I want to entertain myself~that's my wild side, my I wanna have fun and I'm gonna side.  But than there is the me that wants silence, isolation, limited exposure to extraneous none sensical small talk and when I walk my dog, I hope to be free of saying hello to anyone or coming into contact with someone I might have to converse with.  This sounds so anti social as I write it but it is truth. I heard about noise sensitivity years ago while listening to the radio and it piqued my interest. White noise, like the motors that hum or the lights that wurr or the sounds of traffic perpetually whooshing in the background can impair thinking, clarity, and for me, connection.  While most of the time I am a part of the busy constant ever present noise, contributing to its volume, there are times when I feel a shut down is eminent and I withdraw into my hermit like shell, unable to be in the mix, hiding from the world and in so doing, somehow self soothing and healing.  The world is forever turning and sometimes I feel it's spin with throw me far and wide and away into outer space...I write this, because it sounds whimsical and at this point in time, my feet are firmly on the ground and I join again the human race and leave my shell behind, as safe haven awaiting my next visit to quietude and restoration.

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