Monday, July 15, 2013

The Perfect Circle

Confidence waxes and wains. Everyone wants it; some have way too much of it (Donald Trumph); some have it intermittently; and some have so very little that they all but disappear, going almost unnoticed in the world, almost.  During each coaching course with CTI, the front of the room leaders left no man, or woman, behind.  When sitting, we sat in circle formation, and this configuration made it obvious who was in and who was out when it came to participation. Everyone was invited to participate but not everyone felt comfortable/confident to do so, not everyone felt they belonged in the inner circle of sharing.  No matter, the leaders lovingly noticed and repeatedly invited the "shy" ones in.  As I reflect back, community was a prevalent theme, and building community happened within the constructs of the courses. What the leaders modelled was all inclusiveness, one of the foundational beliefs is that everyone is creative, resourceful and whole, so EVERYONE has a valuable contribution to make that we can all learn from.  While the coaches encouraged, they did not force anyone to participate, they were always respectful of the nature of each class member. In the last course, Synergy, we were taught to be fiercely courageous for our clients, and that meant we see them with our world sized glasses on~where they see themselves as small, the coach always sees the big, grand picture, and the coach holds this vision of the client and hey, let's insert friend, brother, mother, sister, husband etc. in here. During the last course, I desperately wanted my friend to know how precious she is, how powerful she is as coach, how much the world needs a person like her, someone who's motto is to "always be kind".  I begged her to volunteer to be sandbox coached by the group, and she bravely stepped in where she was afraid to go, and with her inclusion in the circle, she made it complete, and it was perfect. With her we were whole, we had shalom, without her, we could never have been.  This one is for you Keli~much love.

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