Thursday, July 4, 2013

Szossy The Great

In the matter of one short half hour, my coach Szos St Germain reached into my life, based on the thoughts I shared through words, and touched my past, my relationship with my long gone father, and the current impact that this relationship has on me.  Szos sensed and felt things that I didn't need to explain or verbalized. Is he a mind reader?  I don't believe he is;  he is a visionary, a puzzle solver, a humanitarian and a life coach. He is a trained and talented coach but his skills go beyond technique, they are curative and first aid for the soul.  Coaching happens after the close of a session;  I journaled after my session and went in and out of sleep, eyes popping open, pen and paper ready to record the sorting of all things head and heart, as each piece slipped, dropped, crashed into place in my own life puzzle. When our coaching session was done, we moved into friendship but just before saying goodbye, he couldn't help himself, he held me in high regard, and reminded me that taking care of myself must remain an essential part of my life, this is a much needed about for YOU!  XO Szossy Pants

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