Monday, July 29, 2013

Coaching Without an Agenda

Today with a sped up heartbeat, I called my certification supervisor for our first call.  We designed our alliance and he asked me what I wanted to get from our 3 calls.  I told him I wanted feedback from a master~this is not flattery, it is truth. I told him that my number one value is truth, and that I wanted it from him.  This is a scary concept, because while I know that he will provide what I requested, I also know that my character, my behaviours, my attitude and more can lead me down the path of rationalization, excuse making, and self deception...sounds a lot like lying to me.  We both listened to my recorded coaching call, separately. After listening with critical ears, I called him back. Based on the CTI model and his gate keeping of said model, I got feedback. Honest, clear, helpful feedback. 4/10. I followed the model, but I also led my client, attempting to take him where I thought he should go.  In coaching, the client has ALL OF THE ANSWERS,  and how dare the coach choose, or attempt to choose for the already super smart, naturally creative and whole client...I love the Co-Active model, it is one of the richest sources of humanity I have ever experienced, and I have the privilege of being taught by a master.

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