Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More spaghetti

Oh we just DON'T KNOW what an impact we have on one another. Yesterday I was in and out of a bowl of spaghetti, one strand in the jumbled mess. Today, one of the noodles I felt entangled by and with, shocked and delighted me. Yesterday, facial expressions told me that pain was present, a sense of sadness and loss. I challenged a fear perspective that had predominated and had steered this "noodle" this way and that, resulting in alienation, disappointment and more proof that fear was necessary in life when interacting with others.  The lovely noodle dug deep, acknowledged the ever present fear that people can not be trusted or counted on and she took a leap, right out of that fear bowl into um...oh darn it, my metaphor is getting weak!  The lovely will-remain-nameless woman took a leap of faith in her fellow man and began believing, trusting, that her best interests were and are the concern of many.  Cryptic I know, but this is a celebration!  Hope springs eternal and I am excited for all noodles that jump out of the jumbles of their own making!  In coaching, everyone is creative, resourceful and whole, how cool is that?

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