Monday, July 8, 2013

Intuitive Hits and Blurting

A coaching skill that I am quite liking is called blurting, and the fun part about blurting is that you don't have to use it just in coaching.  In coaching, the coach listens keenly to the client and also to their own super human intuition and when the coach trusts themselves and the skills they have finely honed, they can have these crazy intuitive hits, and the result is a client stopped in their tracks, then saying "that's it, that's exactly it".  Oooow, that's the sweet spot!  Now, like many skills, there is crossover ability, and intuition is one of those amazing, delightful thangs (that is NOT a misspell), that can be used all the time.  I really love using this innate ability and it is serving me well on a more frequent basis. During my last CTI course, I committed to developing my intuitive powers (yes, I said powers~used only for good!), and now, I am serving my clients, my family, my friends and as i mentioned earlier, myself, in new and improved ways that meet needs and heart felt desires.  Intuition isn't magic but it sure feels like it when you use it and it helps someone.  Now, its great to have intuition but if you don't use it, blurt it out, nothing can be gained.  I have been blurting a whole lot lately and i gotta say, the pay offs have been huge. that's another cool thang and something to talk about another day.

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