Friday, July 19, 2013

Jumping off the Crazy Train

One of my super cool friends said today "there is no such thing as multi-tasking". My jaw dropped because YES, SHE IS SOOOOO RIGHT!  Everything has blended and mixed and collided in an ugly mess of stuff, bodies, modalities, messages, tasks.  Clarity doesn't exist because we are too darned busy doing insanely mismatched things at the same time. For instance, why do I think when I am supposed to be listening?  Why is it that while I write this blog, my mom sees me typing but she can't stop herself, she keeps talking, despite me pointing out that I am doing something?  There is no judgement in this statement, I am just taking note of the facts, that there is absolutely no chance in our society to be allowed to do one thing at a time, and the price we pay is that we are doing shoddy work; we aren't listening to each other; the world is full of people bouncing off of one another and going in crazy misaligned chaotic directions...breattttttth.  I am jumping off the multi-tasking train, right now. I will probably find myself on it again and again, but I am hoping that as I continue to learn the art of experiencing and enjoying the here and now, this very moment in time, through  coaching, that I won't have to jump off the train at high speed, that the train will come to a rolling stop and I will elegantly step off, just where I need to be.

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