Friday, July 5, 2013


Oh humanity, how beautiful thou art...or can be, when all persona and posturing is stripped away and essence is laid magnificently bare~I try my hand at poetry but really what I want to say quite plainly is that people really are NATURALLY CREATIVE, RESOURCEFUL AND WHOLE!  Each and every time I start a coaching relationship, I am delighted when the client starts to believe that this is exactly how their coach, me, sees them. It is the craziest gift ever to give to someone by telling them they are naturally creative rsourceful and whole, and then to see them believe you believe this and then they start believing it too!  One of the repeated themes in sessions is apology, the quick "I'm sorry" that comes automatically from clients. Behind, attached to, clinging on the back of the I'm sorry is shame, regret, guilt, embarrassment~everything ugly and inhumane and cruel, holding the client prisoner to some measure of excellence they are sorry they can't meet. The coach sees the monkey on the back and loosen the grip, by acknowledging that the client isn't their words or actions, and IS naturally creative resourceful and whole.  As monkeys are flung off backs, clients live into their best selfs for all the world to see and enjoy. Oh coaching, how beautiful thou art...

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