Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I can see clearly now

Your world through my eyes, or my world through your eyes.  There is a song reverberating in my ears "I can see clearly now the rain has gone, I can see all obstacles in my way, gone are the dark clouds that had me blind", sing it with me now "it's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day".  How is it that we can see the amazing potential in another, their brilliance, their sunshiny brightness, and yet we can't always see it in ourselves, or when we do, it is a fleeting whisper of a thought, a disappearing glimpse that fades so quickly that we think we might have imagined it?  On a clear day, I can see all obstacles in my way, today, this very minute, as I use this space to write,  my obstacle is disinterest, disinterest in the busy hustle and bustle. I have a quiet side that longs for stillness, to know the great I AM.  Be still, and know that I Am...I sit in my bedroom, close to the window, as the early warnings of a storm pick up and drop my curtains, and I hear the gentle sound of wind, and it stirs my soul to listen.  I am more then my work, my role as wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, I am one of Gods own creations, and He wants me to "be still, and know that I Am".  The knowing is enough.

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