Saturday, July 27, 2013

Obstacle Course in the Air

Yesterday a friend of mine and I took our sixteen year old sons zip lining and through a series of in the air obstacle courses or "games".  I thought I was afraid of heights prior to the climbing but what I learned is that I'm afraid of falling.  With each climb, each clipping in and unclipping of the hooks that secure the rider, the tree top traveller, confidence builds. Wobbling high above the ground with moving planks or logs under my feet became a feat of concurring each pass, each game, in an efficient and proficient way. The Tarzan boy in front of me forged the way, fearlessly leaping and letting go of the equipment, balancing and testing himself to see just how lemur like he could be, trusting the equipment and himself. He continually called back to me, encouraging me and telling me the best way to get across.  My son was behind me, stricken with fear, on the verge of tears before every pass, but he persevered (once you are up there, there is no way down until you complete the linked series).  I asked him if he was glad he had the experience and he said "no, it's not for me". My girlfriend was behind him and with her encouragement, he made it through, and while he was terrified, he survived.  He decided to watch us during our next series and we moved quickly from game to game, with the climbs being higher and lots of crazy fun zip lining.  The clipping and unclipping became quick, easy, unconscious and natural, and so did the letting go...the fear of falling had disappeared as I trusted the safety equipment and more importantly, myself and what I had learned. Fear is not the boss of me and I will remind myself of this each time I face new yet unchartered personal ground.

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