Thursday, March 23, 2017

My Job

Here is a quote from the late great evangelist, Billy Graham, Jr. "It is the Holy Spirits job to convict, Gods job to judge, and my job to love." These guiding light words come from a man who marinated in The Word of God until it soaked into his soul. Think of this Dear Reader. You are seeking employment. While scanning the many websites that post job descriptions, you come across one that says: Wanted. Service minded individual with experience in the human and spiritual realms. Must be kind, patient, faithful. Must believe in others to the point of questioning ones sanity. Ph.d in Love required. Masters in Compassion a must; undergrad degree in the arts of humility and heartache appreciated. Joy of the Spirit must be evident despite horrors heard of, experienced and seen all around the world. Will consider applicants based on their ability to love.

Imagine it, Dear One, what would your life look like if your job is to love? What would it take for you to get to the point where you were qualified? Can you now be trusted to fit the bill and do it justice? Billy Graham was very clear about what his role was, where he fit into the grand scheme of things. In one simple sentence, he stated his purpose as a human who lives amongst other humans. My job (is) to love. What is your job, Dear Reader? Have you figured this out yet? You are here being asked this question and if you haven't answered it yet, might I suggest that whatever the answer, you include love in the description? We are only of worth, feel value, when we contribute to one another's lives. We were created by Love and somehow seem to walk or run away from it often by the things we think and say about each other through conviction and judgement. I confess, I am not qualified for the job described above...yet. I am dedicated to attainment of the credentials. I am attending the University of Love, studying The Word of God. I am developing my skills as a human with a soul that belongs to my Saviour. One day soon, I will receive my Masters in compassion. Until then, I will keep my eye on the prize, a Doctorate in Love. What about you Dear One, what are you working toward? There is always room for one more in the study halls of Love, if you care to join us? 

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