Sunday, March 19, 2017

Bare Bum Spanking

I listened to a message today on compromise from one of my favourite preachers, James MacDonald. Have you ever found yourself in a place you ought not to be in doing things with people you shouldn't be with and wondered to yourself, how the heck did this happen? Look closely and perhaps you will see, compromise can take some of the credit for your now situation. You can listen to this message yourself by going onto your browser and typing in: Recently Preached | Walk in the Word, James MacDonald Bible Teaching.

One of the things pointed to in the message about compromise is the current state of affairs you and I might find ourselves in. You may be in the thick of family, financial, physical, spiritual and or emotional challenges, sorting through and looking for the essence of what actually did happen to bring you to this place of confusion and pain. I see in my wayward ways that I took my eyes off of The Word of God. I was complacent and when I could have should have been deep in prayer, I chose other things of a mindless empty nature. I compromised much and in so doing, I set myself up for a bare bum spanking from God. If and when you listen to James' message, you will hear him say that Christians never admit to Gods disciplining them. I tell you here and now that He disciplines me often and that I have no shame in stating this: bare bum spankings from God are not a rarity in my life. I welcome them so that I can wake up to what is important, good, wonderful and true...He wants me awake to what is ugly, cruel, apathetic and useless too, so that I can see Him through contrast and by comparison. Hebrew 12:5-6"My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by Him, for those whom the Lord loves He disciplines, and He scourges every son whom He receives." We must be disciplined in order to become disciples Dear One. If God is your number one, your Big Daddy, Abba Father, than it behooves you to accept Him and His corrections, regardless of how painful they may be. Today, I hope for the sting of correction in your life so that you can course correct. May His will be done in your life and the lives of those you love. 

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