Saturday, March 4, 2017

Bull In a China Shop

Do you know any bulls of the human variety Dear Reader? I know a couple and I am loathe to admit that I have been one at times in my life. The metaphor is clear, there is no room for a huge horned animal in a shop with fragile precious breakables. Translation, a human acting like an imposing animal with disregard for the sensitivities of other humans can cause great ramie damage, leaving behind broken relationships and mouth gaping stunned ness in it's wake. Destruction. China cups and teapots, intricately crafted. Human beings with souls, Divinely Designed. Both deserve care with handling. I recall watching a documentary in which tea was poured elegantly, slowly. I see in my minds eye the steam coming off of the hot brew, as though in slow motion. The swirling vapour travels upward as the liquid cascades downward. I imagine the scent of the tea as enticement to the waiting lips and tongue that would have it languish there before trailing across the tastebuds and flowing smoothly down the back of the throat. The memory is exquisitely picturesque and I have returned to it many a time when I too, pour hot liquid into waiting cup. Time is built into the experience, enhancing anticipation.

Appreciating this kind of complexity cannot happen when we are rushed Dear Reader. Relationships can have this savour the flavour feeling too, given time and space, tasteful waiting and elegant anticipating. There is no room for noticing when we barge into each others lives, thoughts, space with our own destructive head and horns swinging. There is no room for a bull(y) in my relationship with you, your relationship with me. One of us, is bound to be gored if the bull in us is let loose. The rawness of it all is this, we are each preciously made, adorned and adored by The Master Craftsman. We are His sweet, intricate, delicate teacups. To continue this somewhat cheesy analogy, we can pour quickly into one another spilling and burning or we can pour slowly with care, ensuring the hot liquid remains contained and ultimately savoured. The timing and choices are ours. Won't you handle others with care today, Dear One? Consider this your invitation to elegance. 

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