Friday, March 10, 2017

God & Humans

Humans are wonderfully made and horribly managed. God makes us and then hands us over to each other. I laugh at this, because I believe God is perfect and the irony is, He knows what we are capable of and yet, He still insists on handing sweet innocent babies over to parents unsuited for the task. I am feeling slightly nervous as I walk gingerly on paper thin ice...questioning Gods decisions feels dangerous and my courage is beginning to escape me. Let us proceed with caution and see where He takes us Dear Reader.

We had a great wind storm a couple of days ago. Toppled trees landed on roof tops and cars. What about the birds? Have you every wondered about where they go in a wind storm? I have never seen a flock of dead birds littering the ground after a storm despite their living outside, subjected to all weather systems. How do they survive? While there is evidence of wind damage, there is much more evidence of survival and wind resistance. Not all trees topple in a storm, in fact, the majority have all limbs intact, as if the wind never was. And the birds...I see them flying, flirting with each other and the wind, nary a care or concern for their mortality. Are you a toppled tree, felled by a mighty wind? Are you a sweet displaced bird, with no cosy homey nest to return to after the storm? Perhaps the wind has ripped through you and you swayed to its rhythm with your limbs waving wildly, threatening to break and yet, you have somehow remained intact, at least, on the outside...

I don't know why we hurt one another. I don't know why parents hurt their children. I have no excuses or explanations for cruelty. All I know is that this is not Gods will. It is evil and repulsive in His sight and while we look away from our own pain, try to bury it and carry on as though nothing has happened, we perpetuate, perpetrate, generate more of the same in a vile cycle of repetition in one form or another. Containment is near impossible while healing, sweet Godly healing is forever an option. Psalm 91:1-4 "Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection." This is internal Dear Reader. The outside of all living things die, we are mortal. The shelter of His wings is for the wounded bird in each of us, the one that wants and needs comfort and protection from the hurt at the hands of humans. You deserve the love and healing that will restore you to whole. Turn to Him for refuge and let the healing begin. 

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