Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Son

As of 4:11 yesterday, that is to say, Friday September 20th, 2013, I felt done for the first time in a long time in my adult life.  I had a full productive week and my last call of the day was my own personal coaching and within the session, I sought and got, clarity. When I hung up, I had that great, it's Friday feeling and with it, some real satisfaction of a job well done, and by this I mean finished.  Nothing pending, no sense of doom with something left undone. This is a unique feeling for me and as I contemplate this sense of completion, I feel and know the freedom it extends to me. All in good time comes to mind and a clean simplicity that is shimmeringly pretty. I slept in, nothing pending, I savoured delicious coffee, no calls to make, I sat for hours writing my book, no emails to read, and I ate my lunch, no place to rush off to.  The ancient Israelites had their day of rest, their Sabbath, on Saturdays and I made a conscious decision and stated as much to my husband that Saturday is my Sabbath, my day to honour God and His command to rest.  Modern day Christianity takes Sunday as the day of rest and I can appreciate this, but it is Saturday for me and I like this more, as my choice.  Too busy means nothing, busy is a constant.  Choice, now that is where the power lives.  As I write, the sun is shining brightly, directly on my iPad.  How is it that in a sky full of big fluffy clouds, God has decided to shine His light directly on my words?  He sees all, knows all, and loves all that acknowledge Him, on their day of rest. The Son shines brighter than any star in the sky, and I feel His presence and bask in His light, I am blessed.

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