Sunday, September 8, 2013

Committed To Balance

My volunteer weekend for the CTI course Balance was amazing.  I witnessed transformations that were astounding.  Before my eyes, I watched as students became skillful masters of the balance formula, but more than this, I witnessed a coming into their own greatness as they dug deep into what had them stuck, what perspective kept them there, and how they could see the world and themselves in new, mysteriously creative and wonderful ways, unlocking a plethora of sometimes peculiar but mostly spectacular possibilities.  Today, there was a commitment ceromony, a crossing the line from stuck to sky's the limit, a saying yes and no to all that moves us forward and respectively, all that keeps us back, down, less than. The declarations, the claiming, were powerful, moving and in one instance, made me weep because of its power.  Each participant claimed a part of themselves before inaccessible, and I shake my head as I realize again, the privilege of having witnessed.  I too, after a long weekend, am committed, and I am complete.

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