Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I love the show survivor.  What I love most about it is seeing the different personalities, and seeing who the participants are in snippets. The really intelligent ones model Co-Activity and the not so evolved souls display less than attractive behaviours, causing friction and dissection. The premise of the show is very base, pitting human against human, with greed for prize money being the driving force at the expense of many compromising their own values to possibly win. Only one winner means many losers, and this too is a heightened and base theme. The glorifying of money and winning at all costs is a sick game, but when I see people rise above the game, unwilling to compromise who they are, it is delightful.  This is the whole point of coaching, the willingness to be uncompromising in the belief that each human has a super human inside waiting to be noticed, acknowledged and invited out to are fun, especially when the end result is in aid of growth, not tearing someone down.

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