Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Energetically Speaking

What is mine and what is yours, energetically speaking?  Sometimes, I feel swept away, caught up in the current or whirl pool of someone else's energetic rapids. In coaching, it is almost disasterous when my energy matches my clients, making it hard to have clarity. It's sympathy instead of clarity as coach, kind of like when one baby cries and then suddenly, their twin begins to cry.  Sometimes I am the energetic maniac, jumping from high ledge to low ground to vine swinging in the jungle...this too, makes for a crazy par cor coaching trip.  Coaching is an exercise in refinement, in sensing and feeling subtle energies and choosing in each moment how to respond, not mechanically, not reactively, but honestly.  Being impeccable with my word, with my actions, means I have to chase down every thought and inclination and give it a good and thorough check, it has to go through customs and X-ray before clearance is granted. This is where I find myself, tested, hoping to be tried and true.

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