Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My Pack

I have a newer friend, Janet Rouss~it is a budding friendship that feels comfortably familiar, hummmm, like I've done this before...I got an email from her recently and it sent me into happy puppy tail wagging mode. When I shared this with her she simply said, "that's your tribe". My son recently got a second tattoo, of a wolf, with blue eyes, feathers and beads.  Each selected item has significance.  He explained to me that the "lone wolf" idea is a myth and that wolves are pack animals, sharing a brotherhood of loyalty and when a wolf finds himself alone, he will howl to his brothers, calling out so that they can reunite. I have called myself a lone wolf as entrepreneur for many years.  It is in coaching that I have found my pack, my tribe, my people and I know them when I see them, when I hear their call, because it does something to my heart.  When my heart flips, skips a beat, I know I am not with my pack.  When I'm with my own, my heart fills to overflow and the joy seeps out unstoppable and they know who I am, and I know them too...to my pack, I call out a howllllllllll, and they appear, ready to be united.

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