Sunday, September 15, 2013

Grocery Carts and Glory

The grocery store is a beautiful place to study humanity in its full range. If we are what we eat, then a quick look in an unattended grocery cart can give us a quick look into the life of the shopper.  If what we eat translates, or manifests physically, than what does it say about what we think of ourselves, the world, our place in it?  Groceries tell the story within, and the grocery store is a place of choice~each time we choose our food for the week, we choose how we will feel, look, act, interact etc.  When we part with our money in exchange for product, we are choosing our own health.  God created us in His image, it is our choice whether or not we distort that image. Today, I chose to glorify God with my body, the temple He created that houses my soul. I am choosing health, and my grocery cart reflected that each time I selected an item to exchange for my money.

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