Thursday, September 26, 2013

Doug Dakin

All healing is self healing, with facilitation, in community. This morning my dog and I headed out for a walk. It was a little chilly and I was slightly underdressed but I chose to walk away from the rising sun, knowing that I would walk toward it and the welcome heat at the end of my walk as I passed through the park. I asked God in the first few minutes of our outing to help me pray, to put the people he wanted me to pray for before me. My fear is always that I will forget someone, leave them out, but he reminded me that HE forgets not a one.  A man I love came to mind as I rounded a bend in the path in the park, he is dying.  The Son now shining on me in the park, nearing the end of my walk, the words "all healing is self healing" came to mind, followed by the offering, from the Great Physician to "come, follow me". He knows our need, He knows our pain, He knows what medicine will cure us.  My friend knows Him, and he is witness to the powerful healing and curative love of Christ, as he takes daily faithful steps Home. In dying, he lives. This is dedicated to my saintly friend, Doug Dakin.

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