Sunday, September 29, 2013

Choosing Magnificent

Once a month for the six month duration of my certication course as a Co-Active Coach, I willingly submit a recording of a coaching session with a client (with the clients signed approval) to be reviewed by a CTI supervisor. I listened critically to a couple of recordings this morning deciding which seesion to submit and considering the possibility of completing one more before supervision, something a little more "polished".  In the listening to the recordings, I could hear where I had gone astray as coach and my inclination is self preservation or more accurately, I am inclined to look good and get compliments, rather than corrective feedback.  My struggle between ego and eargerness to learn held me captive for a moment and then I decided, the learning would be the prize for being vulnerable to another hearing my hits and misses in session. I am paying a huge sum of money to be taught a tried and true model, a model road tested for its worthy first place standing in the realm of coaching. I am always at choice to get every once from the experience to be an amazing coach, or chose the mediocracy of just ok or good enough by resisting the pertinent information that will help me grow into magnificent coach. When I hire a coach, I go for magnificent...if it's out there, I want it.

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