Monday, September 2, 2013

Falling On My Knees

When faced with adversity, choice stands, front and centre, demanding attention and direction and movement. Sometimes the choice is forward movement, sometimes it is status quo and sameness, and sometimes, for the believer, the choice is sometimes to fall, one knee at a time, in surrender, in submission, in humble and plaintive prayer. There is a point in every mans life, every woman's life where hopeless helplessness waits, like a thief, plotting to steal faith, fortitude, future. Today I learned again, the power that prayer delivers in the form of healing, restoration, and retrieval of what was threatened to be stolen. Each time I say yes to peace and each time I hear the yes from others, there is manifest all the Glory of God in the lives witnessed.  Saying yes to what is Life giving takes the threat and sting from adversity and the choice to fall on my knees becomes easier every time.

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