Monday, September 30, 2013

A Spectacular Day

Today was a spectacular day.  In the morning, I was Personal Trainer, in the afternoon, Co-Active Coach, in the evening Flirty Girl Dance Instructor.  I am blessed in so many ways. The thing that strikes me at this late hour in the day, is how awe struck I am by the women I encountered and worked with today. My newest coaching client is 73 and she has a gorgeous resilience and vitality that sparkles in her eyes.  She sees others with the eyes of love; she sees past the messes and behaviours on the outside and sees the human inside the sometimes crusty exteriors. This is the highest form of being, loving the human, the namaste of relationship. As coach, I was moved to tears, because she lives the coaching model in her vision of others, that each person is of value and each person matters...everyone is naturally creative resourceful and whole.

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