Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Truth Melts Glacial Divides

Truth is a depolarizing anti freeze agent 
      Truth is impossible to argue with 
Truth spoken, inclines listeners to nod agreement 
      Truth is one of those rare commodities that cannot be priced or sold 
Truth is not subject to decay or rot, nor is it apt to die 

Truth is unbreakable, unstoppable, immutable, and impossible to injure, wound, maim or destroy 

Truth is the most solid of etheric substances. You can't touch it with your fingertips or toes, but you sure can grasp hold of it once it has been spoken, once it has manifest in deeds ... it is undeniable once witnessed.

While liars convolute, confabulate, confuse, misrepresent, misconstrue, manipulate, truth tellers look upon them with curiosity, disbelief, and disgust. I mean this last word, dear reader, disgust ... it is disgusting to listen to liars, it causes upper lip curl, eye squinting, and a shiver of loathing. 

This is why we must of a necessity decide daily, to speak and live the truth, to go against the red tide of the satanic social system that so many have taken a liking to. The funny thing about the demon driven credit system, is liars believe they will be rewarded handsomely for their deceptive indulgences. Alas, they are correct ... sowing and reaping is a timeless principle, and it activates a chain reaction of events that are unstoppable if one continues to travel the path of pleasure at the expense of other. They will be rewarded, but not in the ways they had hoped or imagined. 

Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight (Proverbs 12:22)

When we collectively decide that truth is our number one value, we will see accountability in business and relationship sky rocket. Truth melts glacial divides. We can be ice breakers and heart healers, dear one, if we choose to speak and live truth, even when others decide to fabricate. 

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15)

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